Friday, May 25, 2012

Pain and Burning

So the last like week I have been having a burning in between my fingers on my right hand . It is a really odd sensation. It feels like someone it holding a lighter to my hand or putting it really close to a wood stove.

Now on top of that I am having pain and what I believe to be swelling in my fingers as well. I read that one possible issue it could be is from my Multiple Sclerosis . M.S. has a tendency to cause issues with the limbs of your body. I really hope it goes away soon . I know that I will never get rid of my M.S. but at least I can hope for some of the pains to go away.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ovary Removal Maybe

I have been having bad pains in my left lower abdomen so much so that I went to the E.R. and I was given really good pain meds. Dilaudid works wonders. Anyway I found out that I have a small cyst on my left ovary. I have had ovarian cysts before but this one hurt pretty good. I have been thinking that it might be time to have that ovary taken out. I have had my uterus out because of Endometriosis. As of now my Endometriosis has not come back but you can't tell that unless you have a Laproscopic procedure which just sucks because they should have a machine that can see that so you don't have to go through unneeded surgery.

I know that having my ovary out might not solve my problem because I will still have my right one. Who knows if I will get cysts on my right but I am willing to take the chance since the left one has caused the most pain. The cyst that I had this time has really messed with my bladder. I was tested for a urine infection because of the pain I have been having when I pee. It has subsided for now but I am waiting to talk to my Gynecologist which takes forever to get a appointment. Anyway take care all.


I have found that if you don' t suffer in silence sometimes you get told that you are complaining to much. I have found that to be true so I have tried to lay off saying everything hurts. I only say something if it is really bothersome.