Thursday, August 23, 2012

Surgery Number ?

So on August 9th I had what I consider my 10th surgery maybe. I thought it was going  to be easy sailing going through the recovery but no such luck. I told the people at the hospital 5 times or more not to use steri strips because I have a allergic reaction to the adhesive on the strips. They wrote it down and noted it in my chart that no steri  strips could be used. So I thought I was in the clear but then I get home and I start to itch and I decided to pull off the bandages they had on my incisions and when I did there was steri strips.

I had  what the call tape burn on all of my incisions and I was so itchy. The stuff was weeping fluid like a real burn with blisters. I wanted to crawl out of my skin from all the itching I was feeling.

The procedure I had done was called a Oophorectomy. They used a robot to remove my let ovary and remove any endometriosis that they might find and any Ovarian cysts that may have been in there.

I am now two weeks into recovery and I am starting to feel less itchy but one of my incisions itches more than the rest and is warm to the touch . I wonder if an infection maybe setting in. I hope not because that  is the last thing I need right now.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Remember Life is so Precious

So I woke up this morning to the news that my Grandpa had a stroke at 1am last night and he was flown to Harborview hospital in Seattle. I have been reminded today how special life is and that we should enjoy each other while we can before it is too late. Always remember to tell each other that you love one another and never let anything get in the way of letting your loved ones know how much you care.

 My Grandpa has been there through my whole life and I can't imagine life without him here but I know that day will come someday. My Grandpa is 83 years old so I know that time is drawing nearer. I love him with all my heart and he is the only Grandpa I have left. I hope he recovers quickly.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Endometriosis Surgery Again

On August 9th I will have probably my 10th laproscopic surgery. It will be to remove cysts and any endo lesions that they fine as well as take out my left ovary. My left ovary has been causing me problems for a while now so it is time for it to go. I hope by taking out that ovary that the cysts won't show up as often. I hate how much these cysts cause problems with my body and my life. I am tired of being in pain all the time and I just wish that I could get a good med regamine to help get rid of the pain.