Thursday, August 23, 2012

Surgery Number ?

So on August 9th I had what I consider my 10th surgery maybe. I thought it was going  to be easy sailing going through the recovery but no such luck. I told the people at the hospital 5 times or more not to use steri strips because I have a allergic reaction to the adhesive on the strips. They wrote it down and noted it in my chart that no steri  strips could be used. So I thought I was in the clear but then I get home and I start to itch and I decided to pull off the bandages they had on my incisions and when I did there was steri strips.

I had  what the call tape burn on all of my incisions and I was so itchy. The stuff was weeping fluid like a real burn with blisters. I wanted to crawl out of my skin from all the itching I was feeling.

The procedure I had done was called a Oophorectomy. They used a robot to remove my let ovary and remove any endometriosis that they might find and any Ovarian cysts that may have been in there.

I am now two weeks into recovery and I am starting to feel less itchy but one of my incisions itches more than the rest and is warm to the touch . I wonder if an infection maybe setting in. I hope not because that  is the last thing I need right now.

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