Friday, October 19, 2012

CCSVI? Can It Help?

Let me first off try to explain what CCSVI is it stands for Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency. CCSVI is a new procedure that researchers are investigating to see if it is possibly a helpful solution to some M.S. patients. 

What happens with this is that they take a patient with Multiple Sclerosis and do imaging of their veins that are coming from the brain and if these veins are some how blocked or flowing the wrong way they will go in with a little device that goes up into the vein and expands using a small balloon that opens up the veins so that they will flow correctly. 

As a result of opening the veins back up to the way they should be doctors are hoping that it will help give some relief to people with Multiple Sclerosis symptoms. So far there has been little success with the out come of the patients. There have been some relief of some symptoms in some patients but not all. This procedure is by no means a cure for Multiple Sclerosis but it might help doctors in finding a cure. For now at least if it does relieve some symptoms that would be better than nothing I guess.

Pins and Needles

I get this feeling sometimes through out my body that feels like I am being poked by pins and needles. I know that as a part of M.S. you can have misfires in your nerves which feels like tingling or like I am being prodded by sharp instruments

Like tonight as I am using the internet my hand starts to tickle right around my knuckles and I keep thinking that oh I must have a hair on top of my hand but after several times of looking at my hand and rubbing my hand I made the conclusion that the feeling was in my hand not on top. It almost felt like a tickling sensation.

I don't know about other people with Multiple Sclerosis but I get a lot of pain in my hands and a lot of shaking of my hands. When my muscles twitch it starts to get frustrating because you want it to stop.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Wow What a Headache

A couple nights ago I had one of the few worst headaches of my life. I thought my head was going to burst. I was crying because it hurt so bad. I think my neck muscles got really tight and that may have caused my headache. I only had a headache on the right side of my head and it hurt so bad. I have migraines to begin with but most of the time I can catch them right before they start. When I feel a headache coming on I take my migraine medicine before they get to bad and normally they work with in a half hour. I tried taking my headaches pills but they didn't even make a dent . Then I had a thought that if it is my neck muscles maybe if I take a muscle relaxer it would help so I took two and that seem to work.

The fallowing day I was so tired and my body just hurt all over and the side of my head where I had the headache still felt weird. I know having M.S. that I can have symptoms that I can't explain and I don't know if it was caused by M.S. our not. I hope that I can avoid it ever happening again but most likely not.