Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Silent Suffering of a Unhealthy Person

If you are like the many of people in the world out there that suffer from a illness that you can't explain or an illness that you have been diagnosed with but no one can understand how you feel except for the people out there with the same problem or problems.

 I am a woman of 30 who has been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Endometriosis, Migraines, Depression, Ovarian Cysts, and Osteoarthritis of my knees. So it is just a little bit of a understatement when I say that I am in pain all day if it be unbearable or bearable it just depends on the day.

  There is no one that I can talk to that can understand how I feel on a daily basis. I feel all alone even when I know that I am not and that just affects my depression even more. I wish everyday that my Husband could understand that I am not tired because I am lazy but because of my body telling me it hurts and it is tired.

I would give anything to have the energy back that I used to have but I don't think that will ever be truly possible. I know that I am overweight I have been for a long time now and I really want to work out more but there are days I am so tired. I wish there was a way to take all my pain away and I wish that I didn't have to live with hearing I am lazy or the dreadful sigh of oh god what's wrong with you now.

 I feel worthless all the time and I don't feel good a lot of the time but I am a Mom and I have to be able to take care of everything they need because there is no one else but me to do it. If I do ask for any help I get a sigh and some kind of comment. I don't know if everyone else feels like crawling under a rock or wishing you could disappear but I know there are days when I do.

So to all of you that are suffering in silence because you don't want to hear oh what now. I try to keep my pain to myself the best that I can but I know I do complain because I might just like a little compassion or some sympathy for the pain I am in and maybe deep down I am hoping that someone would offer to take care of something for me so I could try to feel better instead of  being expected to do everything when I am feeling extra cruddy that day.

For those of you who don't know this is extra hard on someone who used to be healthy most of their life and then one day it all kinds of  falls apart. I don't want to go to the doctor all the time and I want to be healthy.

  So to all of you people out there who suffer day in and day out from some kind of illness my hat is off to you and I hope that someday that all of our illnesses can be cured.

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